Spirit Success Stories

See also our newsletters for current news on our alumni!

Mike Ruiz * Class of 1992 *

A Life Dedicated to God, Family, and Country.

Mike Ruiz is a man with a warm smile and a giving spirit. We asked Mike to share his story hoping to inspire others.

“I  was born in the San Fernando Valley to immigrant parents from Mexico and raised in a devout Catholic family household. I had two younger sisters who later also became Paraclete students. I was part of a very large extended family with eleven aunts and uncles on my mother’s side and ten aunts and uncles from my father’s side, which grew with the addition of their children. I was immediately exposed to what I call ‘A Community Life.’ It was loud, active, but very loving. Family gatherings were large for holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.

“My parents were hard working and helped me develop a strong work ethic with a huge emphasis on being family centric. My father was an auto worker for General Motors and my mother was a teacher’s aide for ESL (English Second Language) programs in the Lancaster School District and a part time beautician. I attended St. Didacus Elementary School in Sylmar then my family moved to the Antelope Valley in 1985 during the housing boom. I attended El Dorado Elementary, then Piute Middle School. I was enrolled in Paraclete in 1988 and graduated with the Class of 1992. I was an average student and probably could have applied myself more to my studies. I was more focused on the friendships I made and the sports activities which were a beneficial distraction. I still have communication with a dedicated group of friends. Chase Coleman was the Best Man in my wedding, and I was his. I am the Godfather to Frank Stanley’s son. I often see Robert Aceves and our parents maintain friendships. I also developed friendships with many of my friends’ parents.

“After I graduated, I immediately left for Marine Corps Boot Camp the following Monday while my fellow graduates enjoyed their senior summer, I often say jokingly. I graduated nearly top in my class from San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot in September and continued training at Camp Pendleton San Diego then Camp Lejeune North Carolina. I returned home December of 1992 and transferred to the Marine Corps Reserves and joined an Artillery Unit in Los Angeles (Oscar Battery 5th Battalion, 14th Marines). I enrolled in AV College January of 1993. I rekindled a relationship with my soon-to-be wife at AV College who was a 1991 Quartz Hill High School graduate and a co-worker at In-N-Out Burger. We married on July 4, 1995, and I have been the Luckiest Man Alive since. We have three awesome children: Gabrielle Ruiz, Miranda Ruiz, and Michael Ruiz Jr., all Paraclete grads.

“I transferred military units immediately following September 11, 2001. I was with a helicopter squadron HMH-764, Marine Air Group 46, Detachment Bravo and placed on active-duty January 2002, 2004, and 2005. I was deployed to Iraq in February 2005 for 10 months. I continued to promote in rank with the helicopter squadron then transferred as a First Sergeant to Port Hueneme, CA (Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines) in April of 2012. I then transferred to Headquarters Company 2/23 in May 2015. I again activated October 2015 and deployed to Central America for Military Training of Partner Nations to counter narcotics traffickers.  I retired from the Marine Corps Reserves July 1st of 2017.  I had a simultaneous career with the LA County Sheriff’s Department, joining in  March 1997. I worked patrol at Lancaster Station for 17 years with various additional assignments including school resources deputy, community relations, public information officer, and special patrol detail.  I then promoted to a Detective and transferred to Palmdale Station August of 2019. I find my careers both rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling.

“I am inspired by helping people during their most difficult times in life, especially during these hard times in our country. I inspire changes to the media’s narrative and provide truth to people. Most recently, I helped a stranded family who was visiting from Mexico while I was on routine patrol. They had a simple flat tire in an isolated part of Pearblossom Highway during an extremely hot summer day. They were surprised I spoke Spanish, provided them water and an air-conditioned car, and assisted them with their tire repairs. The father told me his wife was scared of American police because of what she had seen on television. They were extremely grateful.

“I strive to just share kindness and the truth of God’s love through my daily actions within my family and community. Too much bitter shouting is going on in the world today and the absence of love, respect, and compromise is far too apparent.

“Raising my children and being married to Heaven Ruiz is my greatest joy.

“Paraclete Football toughened me up for Marine Corps Boot Camp, but Paraclete Baseball is my true sport I enjoyed the most.

“I have many fond memories of Paraclete which include sports, games, dances, COR retreat (Christ in Others Retreat), and many more activities. I still remember to this day Mr. Fulmer’s demonstrations and instruction of Middle Ages Trials by Ordeal and Mr. Riegert’s detailed insight of World War I and II. I’ll always appreciate Mr. Gavel’s positive outlook and inspiring words especially these: ‘It’s a beautiful day for Paraclete Baseball!’”

The Paraclete Family thanks Mike for his spirited dedication to a life of service for others!


Scott Furrow * Class of 1989 *

A pastor with humor as his sidekick!

Written by Brighton Bacchus ’89

Scott Furrow from the Class of 1989 was one of the funniest and most entertaining high school friends of mine when we met freshman year. One of the reasons that I thought Scott was so amazing was his ability to do impressions of famous people – Johnny Carson, Jimmy Stewart, and my personal favorite – Ronald Reagan. Scott literally grew up in church, as his father, Rev. Don Furrow, was the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Palmdale. After a time of working in politics and business, Scott felt the call of God to serve his community as a pastor and that was the path that he chose.

After 25 years of church ministry, beginning as a young adult pastor and eventually serving as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of San Diego, Scott, his wife Kristy, and two sons James and John recently moved to Los Angeles. The family enjoys hiking, traveling, and going to the beach. Scott is now the radio host of The Pastor Scott Show (formerly Southern California Live) which discusses political and other news of the day from a Christian perspective. Furrow is on 99.5 FM KKLA – the largest Christian talk radio station in the second largest radio market of Los Angeles, and on 106.1 FM/1210 AM KPRZ in San Diego, and those stations online and on any radio app. Furrow is on drive time radio 3pm-5pm.

In February, Scott had the honor of moderating an event in Pasadena, called “Ask a Jew, Ask a Gentile.” Some 1,100 people attended the event, which discussed many important issues in our world today. The one thing that was clearly agreed on by all sides is that the wisdom within the Scriptures will change your life. There were healthy and lively discussions about how Jews and Christians keep the Sabbath holy, and what it means, in today’s world. Scott shared that he believes in Saint Tommy of Lasorda as a dedicated Dodgers fan, which got a raucous laugh.

Dennis Prager, with the Jewish point of view, shared an interesting philosophy that there are really only two races in the world – the decent and the indecent, and God does not see the color of our skin. Eric Metaxas shared from the Christian perspective, that you are a true Christian not based on your theology, but based on the way that you live your life which proves what you really believe. Scott presented interesting topics for discussion and the event was deemed a success. 

One last note – with Scott Furrow one must be careful! In 2021 he posted on social media that he intended to run for governor of California. A few of his friends took that message to heart and were excited for his success and what that would mean for California. Well, it was April 1st when he did this, and he got another laugh from his gullible friends!


Martin (Marty) Keever * Class of 1984 *

Patricia Nicole (Nikki) Mazzola * Class of 1993 *

Living the #OnceASpiritAlwaysASpirit Dream!

Marty and Nikki are the epitome of Spirit Love, but not in the usual sense. They did not meet as classmates or as an upper classman with an under classman. No, they developed their love over years as colleagues… as fellow teachers at Paraclete. Their relationship developed over time, and soon the students knew the history teacher liked the English teacher. Liked liked.

What makes these two tick? We asked, and they answered.

Martin Keever was born at Edwards Air Force Base as the fourth of six children. His siblings were born at air force bases in Ohio and Maryland as their dad served twenty-six years in the United States Air Force. Following his graduation from Paraclete High School, Marty enrolled in classes at the “…financially frugal and yet academically valid Antelope Valley College for my entry level undergraduate studies,” he shared. Marty later transferred to the California Polytechnic University, Pomona to complete his major in history. As he worked in education, he gradually earned his Preliminary Teaching Credential from California State University, Bakersfield and later his Clear Teaching Credential from Mount Saint Mary’s College. He refers to his academic path as nomadic.

Nikki’s path led her from Antelope Valley College (AA degree) to California State University, Northridge (BA degree), and then Mount St. Mary’s University for her master’s degree. She began teaching at Paraclete in November 2001.

These two spirits married on July 31, 2015, at Saint Serra Church in Quartz Hill. “The ceremony was very much a Paraclete affair. The presider over the exchange of our wedding vows was my dear friend of forty years, Father Giampietro Gasparin (Fr. G – Paraclete campus priest). The music was shared by my friends Sharon (Almsteier) Rohaley (Paraclete Class of 1983) and Konrad Kono (Paraclete Class of 1985). My wife Nikki graduated from Paraclete in 1993. My stepdaughter Bella graduated from Paraclete in 2018 and Sophie will graduate from Paraclete in 2028. We are very much a Paraclete family,” Marty shared. Nikki and Marty just celebrated their seventh anniversary at their home in Lancaster with daughters Sophie and Bella “Who are awesome by the way,” Marty proudly acknowledged.

Our interview with Marty and Nikki continues…

Questions for Marty…

PHS: Share a little about your accomplishments.

M: “Waking up each day with breath in my lungs and energy to stand is a daily accomplishment that I regularly take for granted. Graduating from an academic institution is a great accomplishment that should not be taken for granted either. Institutional academic instruction impacts each student differently. I struggled to find academic success in school mostly due to a lack of confidence in my abilities. My report cards were reflective of my personality challenges. After a traditional twelve years of primary and secondary education and many years in colleges and universities, I finally completed my formal education which is, for me, a great accomplishment.”

PHS: What work experience did you bring with you before you started teaching at Paraclete?

M: “My work experience is vast and varied. As a child, my siblings and I cleaned up under the stands of the local baseball field on Mondays before school. Throughout my childhood, daily chores around the house were required. We were required to finish everything on our plate at dinner time. On the nights when we were served liver and peas, canned lima beans, or tuna noodle casserole…… that was work. I’m counting it. I have worked in the retail industry, the food service industry, the travel industry, and construction. My greatest amount of work experience is in the field of education. Go figure!!! A person who dreaded the classroom setting as a student is about to start his twenty-ninth year as a classroom educator at Paraclete High School. I’m one of the lucky ones. I found something that I enjoy doing which should be everyone’s goal in life.”

PHS: What is your take on service for others?

M: “Service for others is a priority in my life. I receive great satisfaction from helping others. Much of my recent service experience is through Paraclete’s retreat programs. I assist Fr. G [Father Giampietro Gasparin] with the class retreats and the numerous overnight retreats that are offered annually through Paraclete’s Campus Ministry organization. My service role is predominantly in support of the retreat. I prepare and serve the food for the retreatants. I work with a committed group of volunteer parents and Paraclete students committed to creating and maintaining an environment dedicated to spiritual and personal growth for the retreatants. It brings me great satisfaction to see the positive change that takes place in all who share in the retreat experience.”

PHS: Tell us about the traveling you have enjoyed.

M: “I have experienced many memorable trips and vacations in my lifetime. The trips that stand out in my memory are the World Youth Day trips held in countries around the world to celebrate the Catholic faith. Every three or four years, the Pope invites the Catholic youth of the world to congregate in a predominantly Catholic country for five days of worship and celebration. I have traveled with Fr. G and a group of Paraclete students to Krakow, Poland, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Panama City, Panama to participate and embrace this celebration of faith. The accommodations were simple, but the experiences were deluxe. We are planning on attending World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal next August. I am quite excited to attend.”

PHS: You began teaching at Paraclete in what year?

M: “I began working at Paraclete High School in August of 1994. It is hard to say when I started ‘teaching’ at Paraclete High School. It is rather presumptuous to assume that my first years of work were considered ‘teaching.’ I spent much of my early years trying to stay one day ahead of the students as I figured out my educational strategies in the classroom. For those students that had my classes in my formative years as an educator… I hope that you understand your experience a little bit better now.”

PHS: How many family members attended Paraclete?

M: “Paraclete has educated numerous members of my family. I graduated from Paraclete in 1984. My brother Andy graduated in 1985. My sister Jenny graduated in 1986. Jenny’s children all graduated from Paraclete. Alexis Velazquez graduated in 2008, Ashley Velazquez graduated in 2012, Ricky Velazquez graduated in 2013, and Gabby Velazquez graduated in 2017. My wife, Nikki Mazzola, graduated in 1993, Her daughter Bella Dela Vina graduated in 2018. Cassie Velazquez (a cousin) graduated in 2021. There are three more cousins that will graduate from Paraclete in the next two school years.”

Questions for Nikki…

PHS: Share one of the funniest moments in your classes while teaching at Paraclete.

N: “Not necessarily funny, but I look forward to having class each day because of the happy, vivacious energy the kids bring into the classroom. I appreciate when they have conversations with me and when their lively personalities are a part of the classroom environment. Every day is different and every day the students amaze me with their insights and their abilities.”

PHS: What is your favorite song? Why?

N: “Music is very important in our house. We love listening to all kinds of music and we especially enjoy going to concerts. Recently we saw Sting at his residency in Las Vegas and it was a very fantastic performance.”

PHS: Share one of your favorite topics to teach and why is it your favorite?

N: “There are so many topics that I enjoy teaching: short stories and examining famous speeches in English; in U.S. History I enjoy teaching the Gilded Age and all aspects of 20th century U.S. history.”

PHS: Share a favorite trip/vacation you have taken.

N: “Traveling is one of our favorite things to do. Mammoth is our absolute favorite place to visit but we also especially enjoy Spokane, Washington, New Hampshire and Boston, Massachusetts.”

PHS: Who was your favorite teacher while you attended Paraclete?

N: “My favorite teachers were Ms. Wiskerson because she always showed patience in the classroom when she explained concepts, Ms. Stevens because she always showed a positive attitude and an interest in having conversations with her students, Mrs. Acciani because she challenged me to always strive to do better, and Fr. Joe [Scalco] and Caryl Hier because they were always helpful to me when I was struggling.”

PHS: How did Paraclete help you in college/life?

N: “I definitely learned skills of being responsible for myself and the importance of self-motivation. It helped me feel capable of taking on difficult life tasks. I also grew in my faith to embrace my faith when I experienced times of struggle or difficulty.”

PHS: Your daughter Isabella graduated from Paraclete in 2018. Please share how having her on campus with you brought you joy.

N: “Bella was part of a great class that graduated in 2018; her class, like many others, loved to interact with each other and they exuded a happy spirit on campus. I was so fortunate to see her form new friendships, be academically challenged and feel supported by my fellow colleagues. She left Paraclete with a strong work ethic, a drive to succeed, and a strong love towards her faith and her family. We are super proud of her and the young lady she has grown to be.”

PHS: Tell us something about your daughter Sophie.

N: “Sophie is very excited to follow in her sister’s footsteps and be a part of the Paraclete family when she enters in the fall of 2024. We are also proud of her as she continues to work hard academically as a student at Sacred Heart; she loves playing guitar and taking contemporary dance classes.”

Questions posed to Marty and Nikki…

PHS: What, in your opinion, is the number one aspect of Paraclete worth promoting?

M: “Paraclete provides many opportunities for student personal growth, but I would place self-discovery at the top of the priorities list. An education is found within the individual. It is a culmination of personal interests and an invitation to explore the unknown that results in the development of the whole person. The unique individual is born from self-discovery, and it is the educational experience that helps to awaken a personal pursuit of knowledge. Paraclete offers opportunities for students to be challenged and amazed as they find their path to self-discovery. In the memorable words of Barney Stinson, ‘Challenge……Accepted’ (catchphrase credit to television show How I Met Your Mother).”

N: “The overall environment at Paraclete is a place of welcome and care. Every day that I walk on campus I have students who say hello with a friendly smile, who open the door for me because my hands are always full, and many who ask me how my day is going. Those are the things that make me wholeheartedly love teaching teenagers; Paraclete students radiate joyfulness on the campus. The students put forth their best effort to make an overall joyful environment on the Paraclete campus.”

PHS: Where do you find inspiration for daily life?

N: “I appreciate starting my day by reading a positive quote daily.”

M: “I am inspired by the people around me. They provide me with opportunities for thought and consideration.”

PHS: What is your favorite memory from your days at Paraclete?

N: “The social part of it – lunch time, dances, football games.”

M: “I remember the laughter and the smiles. I had great friends who helped me develop into the person that I am today.”

PHS: What would you do differently with anything in your past? Why?

N: “I would have put in better effort towards my high school classes and grades.”

M: “As cliche as this sounds, I really wouldn’t change my past because it is the successes and failures of my life that shaped me into the person that I am. I would be different if I changed the past. I like today’s me despite my flaws.”

PHS: What is your favorite movie? Why?

N: “Sleepless in Seattle – rom coms are the best!”

M: “I don’t really have a favorite movie because as I age, I forget the details of the movies that I’ve seen. It’s great though because I get to see each movie for the first time all over again.” 

PHS: What is your favorite television show? Why?

N: “Right now, Stranger Things, because of the 80s nostalgia, the heroic ventures of the characters, and the interesting plot.”

M: “My favorite TV shows are any that make me belly laugh. Recently my wife introduced me to How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, and The Middle. My wife is very funny, and she knows funny. Now I realize that these shows are old but so am I… so it works.”

PHS: What is the last book you read?

N: “Where the Crawdads Sing, and right now I’m reading Wonder alongside with Sophie (her assigned summer reading).”

M: “The last book that I read was my AP World History textbook. I read it from cover to cover. I wish that I could say the same thing for the students in my class but that is another story. The only criterion for me is that the book has pictures. Otherwise, it is out.”

PHS: What is your favorite pastime or hobby?

N: “I am a museum nerd – I love any museum and I will spend a lot of time looking at everything!”

M: “I love to travel, visit family and friends, and see beautiful places. When I can’t travel, I like to listen to music while I do stuff.”

PHS: Complete this sentence: I will always remember…

M: “I will always remember when I could remember things. I will always remember when I could afford to drive my truck. I will always remember my time at Paraclete High School.”

N: “I will always remember the love and support from my caring husband and family.”

PHS: Complete this sentence: I love it when…

M: “I love it when everyone gets along. I love it when I say something funny, and it wasn’t intentional. I love it when the weather cools and the holiday season arrives.”

N: “I love it when the melodic sounds of Marty and Sophie practicing their guitar fill my house. I love it when the silly laughter fills my home when my small family is all together.”

PHS: What was your biggest challenge you have faced?

N: “Being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. I feel extremely blessed, fortunate, and grateful to be cancer free since choosing to be aggressive and have a mastectomy. It was tough because it was also the time of the pandemic and 100% online learning/teaching. I received so much care and support from Marty, the girls, my parents, and friends. I also received support from the Paraclete students and their families during that time. I felt so much supportive care from all those around me, especially because many students were brave enough to share with me their own families’ cancer stories, helping me to know that I am not alone on this journey.”

PHS: Who is your role model? Why?

N: “My dad. He had a challenging up-bringing, and he continues to show me to always make a conscious effort in making every day the best it can be. He has taught me the value of doing the hard work and the importance of being supportive towards your family.”

M: “I seek out role models daily. I still have much to learn. I am inspired by the strength and determination of the women in my life. They make me a better man. I am inspired by my peers and my friends who show me the world from a different perspective. I am inspired by my students who encourage me to embrace the changing world. My role models are all around me and I interact with them daily.” 

PHS: Do you have words of wisdom or advice that you would like to share with Paraclete students? If yes, what are they?

N: “Make the life decisions that bring in the happiness into your life. Having a support system of friends and family that bring out the best of who you are is essential to getting through life’s trials and tribulations. Take on those difficult challenges knowing there is a valuable life lesson to learn. Be patient to enjoy life as it is happening.”

Words to live by! Thank you to Marty and Nikki for this deep dive. Thank you for your example of enjoying and appreciating life!

Heidi Rocha Witte * Class of 2005 *

With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Heidi (Rocha) Witte, from the Class of 2005, is successful at her goal in life: to serve others while loving goodness. After her Paraclete graduation, Heidi attended the University of Notre Dame, graduating in 2009 with a Bachelor’s of Arts in American Studies, with minors in Catholic Social Teaching and Education, Schooling and Society. In 2011, she earned her Master’s in Education through Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education program. None of this is surprising. While at Paraclete, Heidi was a valedictorian and an All CIF [California Interscholastic Federation] Scholar. She excelled in her AP [Advanced Placement] classes while running cross-country and track, singing in the school choir, and making friends in numerous clubs like the Christian Leadership Club. Heidi earned numerous subject awards and served as a peer tutor. 

Heidi is someone you would want on your team! While at Notre Dame, she enjoyed the following activities and accolades: Notre Dame Cross Country and Track Monogram winner, Student-Athlete Advisory Council, Christopher Zorich Award for Community Service, Byron V. Kanaley Award for Exemplary Student Leadership, service opportunities with the Center for Social Concerns, cantor for Dorm Masses, and member of Unchained Melodies, a Christian a capella group.

Heidi feels that her courses at Notre Dame deepened her faith in many meaningful ways. “My courses also opened my ears to the call to serve, which led me to the teaching profession through the Alliance for Catholic Education, where I taught as a 2nd grade teacher in an inner-city Catholic school in New Orleans. The ACE program shaped me in countless ways and gave me the tools to serve my students and teach them at their level. Teaching 2nd grade was also a special experience, as I was able to prepare my students for the sacraments of First Confession and First Communion, and I witnessed these special moments with them, sharing in their joy as they received Jesus for the first time. I continued serving as an inner-city Catholic school teacher and Reading Specialist in Los Angeles for four years. At present, I share the skills I learned in the classroom as a volunteer catechist for Christ the King Church’s Children’s Liturgy program and as a mom of two.” At her parish, Heidi also sings as a cantor, serves on the leadership team for the St. Gianna’s Moms Group, and is also part of their Christian Action group.

Heidi and her husband Mark met during their senior year at Notre Dame. Mark graduated with a Bachelor’s of Arts in English and Japanese, and currently works as a Post-Production Manager at Notre Dame. Their family is complete with their children Grace, 5, and Dillon, 2. Heidi loves being so close to their “second home,” Notre Dame. “It’s such a blessing to take our kids to campus to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. We love going to the Grotto, feeding the ducks by St. Mary’s Lake, and watching the Notre Dame Marching Band parade by on football Saturdays. We also love getting to enjoy the snow in the winter!”

Taking a moment to think about her years at Paraclete High School, Heidi fondly remembers Mrs. Nadine Nichter-Seidel as her favorite teacher for her inspiration to “reach higher and to push myself harder.” Heidi and her family come back to the Antelope Valley about twice a year. “Our kids always love seeing their fun-loving grandparents, so they look forward to it!” Heidi’s parents, Mike and Linda Rocha cherish the visits. She shares that while she and her family do love the change in seasons in Indiana, they miss the year-round sunshine of Southern California.

Following in Christ’s footsteps is Heidi’s life mission. Her favorite passage of the Bible is Micah 6:8: “You have been told…what the LORD requires of you: only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.” She is reminded of our calling to act justly towards our neighbor and to show God’s love to others.

Heidi finds solace in a favorite prayer of Father Ted Hesburgh, best known for serving as Notre Dame’s president for over 35 years and as the chairman of the Civil Rights Commission starting in the 1950s. The prayer is simply, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Heidi finds that those three words are a “source of strength and comfort to me, reminding me of the Holy Spirit – the Paraclete – will guide me and accompany me on every step of my journey here on Earth.”

When asked how she and her family have managed the quarantine, Heidi replied with enthusiasm! “Taking on the production of our online Children’s Liturgy program has been a great blessing and distraction for us during this time of quarantine. When our parish, Christ the King, closed due to the pandemic, Mark and I wanted to continue our 5-year-old daughter’s faith formation. Normally, she attends Children’s Liturgy at our parish. We asked our parish if doing an online Children’s Liturgy would be something they’d be interested in, and our pastor encouraged us to go for it.  I was able to get in touch with my favorite children’s liturgical composer, John Burland, and he graciously allowed us to use his music in our videos, and Pflaum Publishing also offered free weekly leaflets for families. It just all came together very organically (and definitely with the help of the Holy Spirit)! I couldn’t have done this without the amazing behind-the-scenes work by my selfless husband, Mark. With my teaching background and Mark’s production and editing skills, we have worked as a couple to create this ministry for children from all over the world. We had 2,500 viewers our first week, and families were watching our program from 5 different continents. Our videos were shown on CatholicTV each Sunday morning, as well. We received so many emails and messages from parents thanking us for helping their children during the difficult time of the pandemic. I created a free coordinating coloring page each week, and parents could send in their child’s coloring sheet to be featured on the next week’s Children’s Liturgy video. We received over 140 submissions of beautiful artwork one week! Parents repeatedly told us that the inclusion of children’s liturgical music, movement (including signs in American Sign Language), and the interactiveness of these Children’s Liturgy videos encourage their children to participate and have kept their children’s attention. Music, movement, and speaking to our children in simple terms (or in their ‘language’) can really help young children understand the Gospels and their faith more easily and more fully! They are our future Church, so starting faith formation early is so important. Our hope is that more parishes will offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word, so that young children can grow even more in their faith. It has been truly rewarding to be a part of this ministry!” After much prayer, Heidi and Mark have decided to continue producing their Children’s Liturgy episodes. To learn more and to help support or spread the word about their ministry, visit www.patreon.com/kidsliturgy.

Pflaum Publishing Group has recently hired Heidi as an independent contractor to film short Gospel reflection videos for their Children Celebrate and Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation programs. She is excited to continue spreading the Good News with little ones. 

Heidi has certainly given us direction in leading a life of goodness. Thank you, Heidi, for sharing your passion. Blessings and good health to you and yours Heidi!

To see past videos and learn more about Heidi’s projects with Pflaum, visit her Twitter account at www.twitter.com/KidsLiturgy.



Brighton Bacchus * 1989 *

This is a tale of an adventure one alumnus took beginning in June 2019 down the path to create and host the perfect Paraclete party. His love for Paraclete High School is profound and everlasting. Meet Brighton Bacchus, a member of the Class of 1989. His reunion organizing story has made him a Rock Star Party Planner with his mission of giving back, and he just might be sought out for advice for other Spirit Reunions!

Brighton is a friend to many, and with his forever love of Paraclete High School, getting to know him is a joy that will earn him the title “Friend to All.” We asked Brighton to tell us about himself and his pursuit of a the perfect Paraclete party.


“I was born in Lancaster in 1971, and attended Sacred Heart School through 8th Grade, and only wanted to go to Paraclete. After graduating Paraclete in 1989, I went to Loyola Marymount University and graduated in 1993 with a double major in Political Science and Communication Studies.  I completed my MBA in 1998 at the University of La Verne with an emphasis in Organizational Communication and E-Commerce.”


“I was married in 1995 to my wife Aimee (who graduated from Antelope Valley High School in 1991) by Father Joe Scalco (more about him later), and we have been married 24 years. I have two daughters: Lauren is a sophomore at California Lutheran University and is a biology major interested in careers in the medical field, and Amanda is a junior at La Reina High School in Thousand Oaks, and is interested in careers in psychology or counseling at this time.”

Life After Paraclete

“After graduation from Loyola Marymount University in 1993, I moved back to the Antelope Valley, and worked at Jones Intercable as a production assistant/news reporter doing new, sports, and feature stories on the local channel.  I was also working at A.V. Bank in Palmdale, where I lasted six weeks, but met my wife there, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life.

“I have a condition called Chiari Malformation (which is a congenital malformation similar to Spinal Bifida) and I blacked out while hiking with Carl Ladensack [PHS teacher], Geoff Bates ’89, and Matt Simanski ’87 in 1998. The ironic thing about being on this hike with these three Paraclete Spirits, is it literally saved my life.  Within three weeks, I had brain surgery, and I was out of work for over a year – rehabilitating myself physically, learning how to walk again and rebuilding my strength. I had my driver’s license also taken away temporarily due to my neurological condition.  One of the advantages of not working while rehabbing is that I was able help with our ten-year class reunion in 1999.”


“I have been in sales for over 25 years working in litigation support sales, and yellow pages and internet advertising for 10 years.  The last 15 plus years, I have been in supply chain and logistics sales working specifically on small package, international e-commerce shipping. In early 2019, I was recruited to join the FedEx Cross Border Sales Division, and lead sales for the western U.S.

Faith & Volunteerism

“My Catholic faith is still very important to me, and is the foundation and cornerstone of my existence. I have been a catechist at Padre Serra Parish in Camarillo for over 15 years, working in religious education for the First Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation Programs. I have been a member of the Knights of Columbus for over three years as part of Padre Serra Parish. I also serve my community as the president of La Reina Dad’s Club at La Reina High School in Thousand Oaks.

“My wife Aimee and I have worked for almost two decades for a charity called Sammie’s Circle – which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars as a non-profit for USC Norris Cancer Research Center. Sammie’s Circle has annual events that raise funds for the center, as well as raising awareness about cancer and cancer treatments.”

What Paraclete Means to Me

“My years at Paraclete High School represent a very special time in my life. I remember attending the Spaghetti Dinner as a new incoming freshman in 1985, thinking how tall and mature everyone else looked there.  I remember being very scared and intimidated at that event, just because I didn’t believe in myself. 

“Once I got comfortable with myself and my own skin, I got very involved in Paraclete, primarily through clubs and activities.  I was very involved in ASB as Christian Service Secretary and Sophomore Class President. I was also Financial Manager of the Yearbook, and was involved in other clubs and organizations. 

“One of the things that I remember most is going to communion almost every day at lunch with Geoff Bates, Mike Murphy, Tim Ward, and Rick Abueg (all class of 1989), as it was a very quick Eucharistic Service said by Fr. Joe Scalco [Paraclete campus priest], which was such a blessing during the middle of the day.  The Eucharistic Service at lunch would help me realize how thankful and blessed I was to be going to such a special school, where we can pray openly and practice our faith.”

Fr. Joe

“Fr. Joe Scalco was always a very special person in my life. I used to meet with him frequently for spiritual counseling and support, whether it was when my parents had gotten divorced and years later, still feeling like I was responsible for it in some way, to just being blessed and appreciative for the opportunity to go to Paraclete High School. I had the honor of attending the Religious Education Conference in Anaheim three of my four years at Paraclete. One of them was the ultimate opportunity, as we had the honor of seeing Pope John Paul II officiate Mass, and a small select group of students had the honor of attending it with Mr. Andy Gavel in a twelve passenger van. These are the experiences that I will never will forget that that you are blessed with the opportunity while attending Paraclete High School. After I had brain surgery, Fr. Joe came down to visit me at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Burbank. I will never forget seeing his smiling face and the blessing he gave me.”

Paraclete Multi Year Reunion

“What started off as a simple call to Paraclete to find out the status of the Class of 1989 30-Year Reunion back in June, was literally a phone call that changed my life for the better. After speaking with Janet Godde Bower [PHS alumni coordinator], I felt ‘the calling’ from the Holy Spirit that we needed to do something more than a traditional 30-year reunion; we needed to give back to the school that gave us so much.

“I had a minimum headcount of 75 that I had to fulfill at the venue, and I wasn’t having any luck with just my class. I expanded it to 1988 and 1990, and still wasn’t having enough traction. I then realized that it didn’t matter what year you graduated from Paraclete. If you love the school, have positive memories of the school, want to see old friends and meet new friends, and want to give back to the school that had given us so much, then you were welcomed at our Multi-year Paraclete Reunion. I needed more support to get this moving so I reached out to any alumni who were interested in supporting me. I was fortunate to get Shannon Stephens Clasen ’89, Angie Navarette Bowman ’89, Sabrina Ortega ’89, Steve O’Neal ’90, Juanita Edwards Gagnon ’90, Yanir Ram ’91, and Tamar House ’91 to help me spread the Paraclete joy. We had two goals that we envisioned for the Paraclete Multi-year Reunion: to give alumni the opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones, and secondly to raise money for current students at Paraclete so that they could continue their education at Paraclete. 

“We didn’t know until speaking with Janet that some 30% of the students at Paraclete, approximately 175 students, receive some support of financial assistance from Paraclete High School.  As financial conditions have changed and the population of the Antelope Valley has evolved, there is an increase in population of families that need financial assistance to send their children to the only private Catholic High School in the Antelope Valley.

“We started out by sending letters to Paraclete graduates over an eleven-year span, and realized that we needed to get more creative.  We undertook the strategy to get back in touch with faculty, teachers, and staff and invited them to the event for free. We also reached out to some generous Paraclete alumni, and asked them if they would be willing to sponsor the event to accommodate our guests of honor and to keep the prices as low as possible. Our commitment was to keep the cost of the event cheaper than your prom, and you don’t have to ride the bus 30 years later at $50 per person. 

“We then asked the teachers to get involved. We were very blessed to have Mrs. Deborah Duke [former teacher at PHS] record a video on social media that spread like wildfire, inviting people to the reunion. I would then record weekly updates on Facebook and Instagram, while traveling for work with FedEx. I did videos at airports in Los Angeles, Reno, Denver, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, and Seattle, saying that while we are busy traveling and working, we want you all to consider coming to the event.  We were also creative and used memes of screen shots from 80’s musicians from Madonna to Bon Jovi to Michael Bolton to encourage interaction and a sense of humor. We would also post who was going to attend the reunion with a brief profile of what they did at Paraclete when available, to hype up the event and get people interested in going.  We wanted to also have raffle prizes donated from alumni to raise funds.

“Thank you to the generous donations from sponsors Team House Realty/All Valley Leasing (Tamar House ‘91), DRI Holdings (Yanir Ram ’91, Derek McMurtry ’91, and Zohar Ram McMurtry ’93), Baker Rescue Services (David Baker ’86 and Brian Baker ’87), and Camacho Auto Sales (Gustavo Camacho ’90).

“Thank you to raffle prize donors: Magic Castle Grand Prize Experience from Tom Laquidara, gift cards from Gino’s Italian Restaurant, Therapeutic Massages by  Dr. Buck and Angie Navarette Bowman ’89, Double Smoke BBQ gift sets by David Suppe ’87, Chronic Tacos gift card and T-Shirt by Chad Eberhardt ’91,Wine Basket from Rene Lazare ’84, Arbonne Skin Care Basket by Steve O’Neal ’90, gift card from Mary Grace Fabian ’85, DJ Session Provided by DJ Splice Paul Worthey, Photo Booth provided by Spotlight Photo Booth, Hand Carver Wood Letter Opener by Ms. Jan Wiskerson [retired teacher], Antelope Valley Wine Gift Basket, Tasting & Tour provided by Mrs. Gail Monti [retired teacher] and AV Winery, and Nike gift cards provided by Sarah Hart Pease ’87.

“When the red and yellow Paraclete magic dust settled, the event blossomed into a gargantuan success. We had 130 attendees at Gino’s Restaurant in Palmdale, and raised over $3500.00 for scholarships for students at Paraclete High School. We had the honor of Mr. Carl Ladensack [teacher at PHS] attending and saying a blessing before dinner.  Mrs. Deborah Duke and her husband Jay made a very generous donation to the reunion, and students were lined up twenty deep to have their picture taken with the Paraclete Matriarch, Mrs. Caryl Hier.  We were also fortunate to have Janet Godde Bower [’74, PHS Alumni Coordinator] attend the event as well.”

Paraclete Spirit

“I still remember all the words to the Alma Mater, but what is really important is what the ‘Paraclete Spirit’ means. To me, it means that you are a positive, enthusiastic person trying to do the best that you can every day with the talents and treasures that God blessed you with, to be the best possible person that you can be through a life of service, humility, and modesty.

“I try to apply that principle to every aspect of my life. On my college applications, I called it the 3 F’s – friends, family, and faith. In the working world as I have gotten older, I call it the 3 A’s – activity, attitude, and accountability. I believe the Paraclete Spirit is a compilation of both.

“With the help of your friends, family, and most importantly, your faith, use your God given talents and treasures in positive and meaningful activities with a heart of service, and a positive, loving attitude, all the while holding yourself accountable to yourself, your family, your friends, and your faith. To me, that is truly what the Paraclete Spirit is, and I believe the Paraclete Multi-year Reunion is a prime example of demonstrating the ‘Paraclete Spirit.’”

In December, Paraclete High School Student Body welcomed Brighton as a guest speaker at a Spirit Start-up where he shared his Spirit and the values he cherishes. Thank you Brighton for your love of school and generosity of time, talents, and passion.


Todd Davis * Class of 2010 *

Once a Spirit…now a Saint!
Paraclete graduate from the class of 2010, Todd Davis, signed with The New Orleans Saints. Todd, a linebacker, was signed to a three-year contract. After graduating from Paraclete High School, he continued to play football at Sacramento State. While in college, he recorded 351 career tackles, 9.5 sacks, 30 tackles for losses, four forced fumbles, one fumble recovery, three interceptions, six passes deflected and one blocked kick. As a senior, the middle linebacker registered 131 tackles, five sacks, 10 stops for a loss, two forced fumbles, two interceptions, four passes deflected and one blocked kick.

Congratulations to Todd and best wishes for success and good health in the NFL!


Camille Loria * Class of 2011 *

Camille’s mother is happy to share this update: Camille was in Vietnam during the summer of 2013 as a volunteer with the Vietnam Tooth Project (VTP).

Traveling to Asia for the first time, Camille had an unforgettable experience being able to donate time and service to the children of Vietnam. Combating malnutrition and promoting oral health, she loved the children she helped as well as the volunteers she worked with who are now her VTP family. With such a blessed experience, Camille hopes to volunteer again as she is passionate about community outreach and her pursuit of dentistry as a potential career.

Camille just completed her sophomore year at UC Berkeley and is currently taking summer classes. She recently joined a dental office nearby as an intern (with pay!).


Tom Saenz * Class of 1993 *

Navy pilot earns degree in combat zone

By JULIE WATSON | Associated Press – Fri, May 17, 2013

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Finals week was dangerous for Thomas Saenz.

The Navy lieutenant needed armed guards and an armored car to get to an exam site, in Kabul, Afghanistan. A deadly bomb attack also caused him to his miss classes — transmitted live via the Internet — but he persevered and earned a master’s degree in engineering from the University of Southern California while commanding a top security team.

His class graduated on Friday, as he joins a growing number of service members earning college degrees while deployed in a war zone.

“Not only was he out there living on the edge, but he had to get his homework done,” USC professor Frank Alvidrez said.

The Obama administration is pushing universities to find creative ways to help service members complete their degrees as it tracks the success of its post 9/11 GI Bill, which is designed to be the most comprehensive education benefit for veterans since World War II.

Enrollments for the new GI Bill number more than 480,000, according to the Veteran’s Administration, which is starting to track the number of graduates.

It’s not known just how many others like Saenz earn their degrees while in combat. A commencement ceremony for 100 war-zone graduates from various universities is planned in late May in Kandahar.

“They really are multi-tasking in the extreme,” said Bob Ludwig, spokesman for the University of Maryland University College, adding that the coursework can provide relief from the mental turmoil of war. “It really is an opportunity to step away from the battlefield and have the sort of the safety of being in a classroom.”

UMUC has about 30,000 active-duty service members among its students and was among the first schools to send faculty to Iraq to teach troops in 2008 during the war. UMUC also has adjunct professors giving classes in tents in remote outposts of Afghanistan as well as online instruction on bases.

Completing degrees online is a growing phenomenon, as more traditional public universities join private, for-profit schools in offering courses.

Saenz, a 33-year-old father of two, used the GI Bill to enroll at USC but midway through his studies, the Navy pilot was called to be deployed to Afghanistan.

After getting approval from his professors and Navy commanders, Saenz spent his final year of studies racing to his computer on base at 5 a.m. to attend the live transmission of his classes before dedicating his day to overseeing security for top generals and then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

He missed a class that required his online presence when a suicide bomber blew himself up near NATO’s headquarters in Kabul, killing six civilians.

The base was locked down. Saenz wrote to his professor and aide when the Internet was back up to explain his absence.

“I was worried because it was early in the semester and I was afraid it would affect my grade,” he said. “But they were real supportive.”

Another time, he was absent because he was arranging a helicopter to transport Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Saenz caught up by watching the recorded classes.

“I told my class if Thomas can get his homework done on time then I don’t think there are any excuses for the rest of you all,” Alvidrez said. “And he pulled an ‘A.’ He was one of the top 10 percent.”

Even getting to finals was treacherous. After military officials checked intelligence to ensure there were no imminent threats, he crossed Kabul on a highly dangerous road with armed guards in an armored SUV to the Army base where a military official was certified to give him the university exams. While there, he picked up ammo, weapons and dropped off radios to be repaired, then grabbed some barbeque at a tent.

Saenz said he was determined to finish his advanced degree — the second person in his extended family to do so — knowing his 10-year Navy career was ending in June. He is one of 91 service members in the university’s online engineering graduate program called DEN(at)Viterbi.

An essay he wrote for one of his classes was on WWII veterans going on to lead top companies after returning home. With today’s technology, he sees opportunities for veterans to follow in those footsteps more easily than ever.

“I think we’re in that period again, with the post 9/11 GI Bill and all these kids coming back with their experience overseas,” Saenz said. “Hopefully we can come back and do great things for our country outside of our uniform.”

Note from Paraclete: Congratulations Tom! Thank you for your service! May God keep you safe!

Savannah Gutierrez * Class of 2011 *

Alumnus Savannah Gutierrez Named as All American for California Community Colleges!

Savannah placed 2nd in her conference for her batting average, and 31st in the state. She also placed 4th for her Earned Run Average, and 6th in strike-outs. Savannah also led her conference in steals! Way to go Savannah!!

Ashley Velazquez * Class of 2012 *

Congratulations to Ashley!

The Los Angeles County Fire Department selected Ashley as the Post 17 Explorer of the Year!

The Paraclete Family wishes to congratulate Ashley on a job well done. Best of luck to Ashley in her future endeavors!

Alexandra Sepolen * Class of 2012 *

Alexandra shared the following update: “I’ve finally settled into life on Brown University’s campus! Everyone here is extremely friendly and open, and I’m thankful for the tools that Paraclete’s teachers have given me in both academics and leadership. My foundation at Paraclete has allowed me to become a research assistant as an incoming freshman in Brown’s cognitive science department. I’m currently studying how the human body responds and adjust to new environments based on the span of one’s memory. I’m also studying how the body recuperates from physical damage through long-term “muscle memory”. I am one of only two freshmen working on the research project, and I am one of only three women working on the project as well. Here’s a link to the lab’s website for more information: http://www.cog.brown.edu/research/ven_lab/index.html.” Impressive! Good luck to Alexandra!

Scott Sturdyvin * Class of 2000 *

Scott Sturdyvin is the newly hired media/theater technician at Eastside High School in Lancaster. The theater’s sound system was designed by one of the best acousticians in the country. The complex also features a Black Box Theater, dressing rooms, soundproof instrumental and practice rooms, a choir classroom, television production room and a shop where students can construct stage sets. The facility will be available for the high school district and community. Scott said he is looking forward to working with the variety of people from concerts to plays to comedians likely to perform in the theater. He and his wife Monique will welcome their first child in June. Congratulations, Scott!

Mike VanKirk * Class of 2011 *

Mike VanKirk (’11) has given his verbal intent to attend San Jose State and play Spartan basketball. Congratulations Mike!

Karli Norville, * Class of 2012 *

Paraclete Alumn Karli Norville has decided to focus on childhood literacy for her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. The Girl Scouts have long been an organization aimed at helping society and promoting a brighter future for generations to come. The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest and most prestigious award that Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors can earn.

Karli has organized and is running a literacy day during which families from throughout the Antelope Valley can come and learn about childhood literacy and kids can start to develop a passion for reading. This day includes story-times, crafts, and a book-give-away. It is taking place on August 25 from 2-4pm. Paraclete students are able to volunteer for Christian Service hours if they would like to come and help with this wonderful event to promote literacy.