Peer Ministry invites Paraclete students to reach out to their schoolmates in support and affirmation, especially in times of difficulty.
Prayer Partners are trained to listen to their peers, pray with them or offer them a blessing during Communal Penance Services.
During these services, students can choose to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance with a priest, or to approach a Prayer Partner to seek comfort, strength or guidance.
Prayer Partners are especially appreciated by non-Catholic students who may not be familiar or comfortable with Sacramental Confession./p>
Prayer Partners are also trained to refer to the Campus Minister those students who may reveal acute or grave difficulties in life.
Peer Mentors are trained to detect times of confusion, loneliness, difficulty and need in their peers.
They are specifically trained to actively listen to, accompany and support peers who may be struggling with typical teens issues such as loss or destructive behaviors.
Peer Mentors are also trained to refer to the Campus Minister students whose problems may need urgent intervention, or may require to be attended to by a more expert person.
Peer Mentorship is generally open to juniors and seniors, even though exceptions are made in particular circumstances for younger students.