
Paraclete High School students are urged to celebrate one retreat every year. Students may fulfill this requirement through a Class Retreat, through another retreat offered by the Campus Minister, or through any retreat (even non-Catholic)approved in advance by the Campus Minister.

Class Retreats

Freshman, Sophomore and Junior retreats are one-day experiences, which take place during a regular school day and are free of charge. The Senior retreat is a two-day, one-night experience.

Special Events Retreats

The Campus Minister also sponsors special events retreats. Examples of these are Youth Day at the L.A. Religious Education Congress, the Fast 4 Food experience, the All Girls Retreat and the Wilderness Retreat.

Sports Teams, Clubs Retreats

The Campus Minister is available, upon request by coaches or moderators, to create and direct retreats for Paraclete sports teams, drama, choir, band, or club teams.

Non-Paraclete sponsored Retreats

The Campus Minister coordinates the proper recording of independent or non-Paraclete sponsored retreats. Students who opt for this alternative must inform the Campus Minister before they celebrate such a retreat and provide written proof of satisfactory completion of the retreat.

The COR Retreat

This retreat is normally offered 2 times a year to the Paraclete student body. COR (Latin for “heart”, or “Christ in Others Retreat”) is offered to students of the Junior and Senior class.

The VERITAS Retreat

The VERITAS Retreat is offered 2 times a year to the whole Paraclete student body. Freshmen through seniors are eligible to celebrate this retreat. VERITAS (Latin for “Truth”) explores the truth in a person’s life. Lern more under “VERITAS” Retreat on this website.


This retreat trains the students who choose to commit to leadership in any areas of Campus Ministry. It is usually a camping retreat.

The Faculty Retreat

The Campus Minister coordinates and directs the yearly Faculty Retreat.