For the one to one iPad program at Paraclete
What is the Paraclete 1:1 iPad program?
This program provides an iPad device for every student attending Paraclete High School. All students received their iPads during the summer. Each year, new Freshmen and transfer students will be able to attain an iPad over the summer months.
Why is the school doing this?
Paraclete is a college prep school. We expect that every student will leave us prepared for college. Technology is an essential component for learning. We believe using the iPads in the classroom now will give our students an even greater advantage when they arrive at college.
What is driving this technology?
For years, Paraclete has utilized an online Student Information system. Technology promotes student and instructor engagement, communication, and collaboration inside and outside the classroom.Teachers and Students rely on several educational apps as well as electronic textbooks that can be downloaded from the App Store. Teachers store their classroom content online – in iTunes U or Google Classroom. This is easily accessible on the iPad!
Will all the textbooks be on the iPad?
The iPad is not our curriculum, nor is the textbook our curriculum. We have a very successful college prep curriculum which will be supported by the best teachers and materials we can provide. If there is an electronic version or iBooks version of a textbook that best meets our curriculum, we will use it. If our teachers can use curriculum through iTunes University, they will. And if the hard covered textbook is not available electronically and is the best resource for the class, we will still require that. Currently, all families pay a $230 textbook fee so they can be distributed to each iPad.
Can we use our own iPad?
Students must use only the iPad from Paraclete. The IT department at PHS has set up the iPads as “managed” devices to ensure we have consistent security, configuration, apps and content because the student will be on the Paraclete WiFi and because the technology will become part of the classroom and course work. One platform assures that there will be no compatibility issues with the software or capability of the hardware needed for classroom activities.
May students opt out of using the iPad altogether?
The short answer is no… the benefits of a tool like this can only be achieved if the tool is used by all students in the classroom.
What does the technology fee cover?
Will this save me money?
Digital textbooks should cost less than their traditional paperback counterpart. Unfortunately, we have no control over which books will be available in a digital format. The goal is to make books as affordable to parents as possible. We expect this savings will offset a portion of the new technology fee. This year, most grade levels paid less for their books.
Can students install their own apps?
Although Paraclete will be pre-loading the iPads with apps, students will be able to install apps using a unique Apple ID.Some apps will NOT be allowed. Students will be notified in each instance.
Why the iPad and not a laptop or other tablet.
We have done a lot of research. Right now, the best device with the most education friendly apps for education appears to be the iPad. We have visited a number of schools with different devices and this appears to be the best, most cost efficient device for our students.Read more about the wonderful features here.
Is the information on the iPad backed up?
The iPad automatically backs up to the iCloud. Students sign in to the iCloud with an Apple ID and specify what items will be automatically stored.
What accessories will be needed with the iPad?
iPads MUST be in a protective cover, provided by the school. All students will also receive a charger and cable from Paraclete (one time).
Where can I learn about the iPad?
You can learn about the iPad directly from Apple:
What size iPad are the students using?
In 2019-20, the students will have an iPad 6th Generation with 128GB of storage.
How do I connect my student’s iPad to my home network?
You will need to have a wireless device at home if your child wishes to access internet/email. The iPad will still function in some capacity without this connection. The connection should be found by the iPad but due to numerous possible configurations, it is advisable to contact your service provider for assistance. PHS Strongly recommends that wireless access is available at home in order to maximize the 1:1 experience.
How do I connect my student’s iPad to my home printer?
There are some newer wireless enabled printers that are compatible with iPads. If you have this type of printer, your iPad should find it without any configuration on the iPad.
Can I restrict access when my student is using the iPad at home?
The school Technology Director has the ability to restrict access if a parent requests this.
Will we own them when our child graduates?
No. The students will each be loaned an iPad to use. That iPad becomes “theirs” to use. They will not share the device and will turn them back in only for maintenance. However, they remain property of Paraclete HS.
Do you supply damage, loss/theft insurance?
You may be able to add the iPad to YOUR home insurance protection. Check with your insurance carrier to see if they cover loss or theft. Because of the warranty we have, iPad’s which are damaged can be repaired/replaced. Each iPad is protected for breakage for the cost of the deductible, which is $50. A lost or stolen iPad is NOT COVERED. If we know immediately that an iPad has been misplaced, we can use the “find my iPad” app, to map its location. Our MDM also has tools for keeping track of the devices.
How do we manage all of the information on my student’s iPad? What happens when they graduate or the iPad is replaced?
Students use their own Apple ID to load apps and other materials onto the iPad. With the Apple ID, they are able to have access to all of their information, apps, iBooks, and content that is stored with that Apple ID. This information will transfer to their new device, or will be erased before “returning” iPads. (At the end of the lease) In any case, the items they have purchased are their property.