Endowment Fund Highlight:
John and Haydee Nottoli Endowment Fund
Haydee and John Nottoli Some members of the Nottoli Family at the dedications event held on October 14, 2022.
Beloved staff member Haydee Nottoli passed away on June 15, 2020. She was a part of the staff for 33 years with volunteer years preceding her employment. She wore many hats including Book Store Manager, Accounts Receivable, Z Club Advisor, and Secretary. Haydee and her husband John put their kids (Virginia ’77, Laura ’78, James ’81, Margaret ’86, and David ’88) through Paraclete and later on, grandchildren. John was an active volunteer at many Paraclete events, including serving as our Spirit Football Announcer for many years.
If you would like to honor the memory of Haydee, the family would like donations made to Paraclete High School to add to the John and Haydee Nottoli Endowment Fund. The family intends to use this opportunity to rename the Spirit Store (to older alumni – the Bookstore in the quad) “Haydee’s Place.” You also have the option of giving online by clicking the donate button below; please include “Haydee Nottoli” in the special instructions in PayPal. Please annotate your gift in Haydee’s memory with her name in the memo section of your check mailed to:
Advancement Office
Paraclete High School
42145 30th St W
Lancaster, CA 93536
Another option is to give online by clicking the link below, and add a remark that your gift is in memory of Haydee Nottoli.
May God bless the soul and family of Haydee Nottoli!
If you have any questions, please contact Janet (Godde) Bower at JBower@ParacleteHS.org or (661) 943-3255 ext. 111.
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Sustain Paraclete through growing our named endowments.
We need to raise $221,000 to grow our four endowment funds to total $1,000,000.

First photo: (L)Mr. Ray Monti, (M) Mr. John Perez (R) Father Mariano Biasio
Second photo: Mrs. Donna Martin
Gifts to each named Endowment Fund are an investment in the long-term financial health of Paraclete High School. Endowment Funds are held in long-term investments with the principal remaining untouched, which creates a permanent source of revenue for the school’s annual tuition assistance program. Each endowment fund is structured to grow over time through reinvestment of interest and dividends earned will be used towards tuition assistance.
Our endowment funds sustain Paraclete, not for a year, not for a decade, but generations to come.
At one time Paraclete High School was staffed almost entirely by religious and priests. As the number of religious in our school community declines, the burden of increased salaries remains constant. Each school year we have many Antelope Valley families requesting admission assistance dollars. In order for Paraclete to be able to offer assistance dollars and remain financially healthy and stable, we need to raise $221,000 to grow our three endowment funds to total one million dollars. The endowment interest revenue is used to fund our tuition assistance needs.
Our three named endowment funds equal $UPDATE Needed
Father Biasio Donna Martin Chris Hawkins John and Haydee Nottoli
$ $ $ $
[Endowment Funds are created to help insure the financial stability of a non-profit. At Paraclete, interest earned by the Funds is used to offer financial assistance for tuition for students in need.]
Questions? Email: vnovelli@paracletehs.org Phone: 661-943-3255 x128 or x111.